On Thu, Sep 09, 2010 at 12:34:11PM +0200, Frank Bergmann wrote:
> On 09.09.2010 11:54, Peter Clifton wrote:
> >I'm not sure I see the point of making the whole top-level window a
> >dedicated widget per-se, although the goal to encapsulate various state
> >variables sounds excellent.
> >
> >I was never really sure what point to start sub-classing to make a new
> >widget. My acid test was usually whether that widget had useful
> >self-contained functionality which could be re-used in other places.
> If sub-classing a widget is really in focus, then proposal of
> (partly) switching to C++ comes in mind.

My primary goal in doing things this way was to make a C++ port easier
and come out more C++-looking.
> >I think making the whole main window a dedicated widget is perhaps a
> >step to far (or too early). There are probably other more useful
> >refactors, such as making a layer-selector widget, route-style selector
> >widget etc., and defining clean interfaces with those.
> ... command entry widget with history and auto completion ...



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