Andrew Poelstra <> writes:

> On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 03:40:24PM -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
>> > > With flex cable, "top" and "bottom" aren't limited to one layer each.
>> > 
>> > Aren't they?
>> No.  Different areas of the cable may have extra layers or pcbs
>> attached, changing the number of layers in that area.  So one drawing
>> layer might be "top" on the left side of the cable, but "inner" on the
>> right side.
> Should we support this? What problems will we encounter if we allow
> layers to have arbitrary geometries?

current PCB does support this, with the kludges describes elsewhere,
because it does not really care what the layers are.  DJ is right, the
program shall not force a rigid tree structure to the layers, so that
even if future formats do not support heterogeneous rigid-felx board
directly, we can at least still kludge it. 

We cannot know now what else comes up, that people might want to
accomplisch with PCB.  Instead of trying to enumerate all possible use
cases, it shold maintain and expand the flexibility it currently has.


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