How does that work? I'd like to try that. I guess it will only work for an XYRS file generated by PCB. What is that format? Maybe I can convert my XYRS file into that and check it.


At 03:56 AM 10/2/2010, you wrote:
FYI gerbv will put the xy file generated by pcb onto your gerbers.


On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 10:42 AM, Steven Michalske <> wrote: > As you guys continue to debate this... Look at how pcb makes the xyrs data files. You'll findout that it generates it from the pcb file not the library. It takes the center of the part from the pins and pads. Then it puts pin 1 somewhere consistent. See the source for details.
> On Oct 2, 2010, at 5:55 AM, Rick Collins <> wrote:
>> At 05:34 PM 10/1/2010, you wrote:
>>> Rick Collins wrote:
>>> >>If for whatever reason the designer used 2 different footprints for
>>> >>the same part occuring
>>> >>several times on a board, if the footprints are position/rotation
>>> >>inconsisten...
>>> >
>>> > I have no idea why anyone would do that.
>>> Real world example:
>>> PhD student Foo designs some super noiseless detector circuit. The
>>> measurements turn out a success. Researcher Bar, a long time friend who
>>> works on some unrelated project, asks Foo for help to get him started on
>>> noiseless detector. PhD Foo gladly provides the schematic and layout. For
>>> his project Bar needs to add some minor features to the hardware. Of course,
>>> she uses a different local library than Foo ...
>>> > Sure the designer can totally screw up a design.
>>> I wouldn't call this totally screwed.
>> If you work on a design and use a different, incompatible library from the original without checking for consistency, yes, the designer totally screwed up.
>> I really have no idea how things work in the gEDA/PCB world. With FreePCB the library has a default orientation for parts and there is a centroid vector to allow the pin 1 orientation to be set compatibly with the Gerber files. If you use someone else's design you need to verify that their library parts were done correctly or you need to use the same footprints which are a part of the layout and so are available. There is no reason to screw up something as simple as this.
>> Oh, I almost forgot, NEVER ask a PhD "anything" to design PCBs. What the heck are you thinking???
>> Rick
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