>> Since nc is just a piece of copper attached to the (plastic/ceramic) 
>> package, why should drc complain?
>> A "nc" pin would be like "pas", but gives no error if unconnected.
>The documentation of the Renesas TinyH8 states:
>"... Do not connect anything to the nc-pins. They might be used as test 
>pins under certain conditions or used for damping purposes, which you don't

This would imply that a 'nc' should prohibit any connections to it
whatsoever, so there is no chance of a connection, and that another type:
'don't care' or 'ignore' or 'unknown' or 'x' should be made that will not
give an error if unconnected, but will also not give an error IF connected.

>>> I would also like to see a pwr_src pin type which would be the output of
>>> the voltage regulator (or source).  That way the DRC would warn you if
>>> you shorted two power sources together or if you forgot to hook one of
>>> your power input pins to the power plane (and only connected it to a
>>> capacitor instead).
>> +1
Very useful. 

Andrew Miner

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