On Oct 5, 2010, at 12:44 PM, Oliver King-Smith wrote:

>   I have defined a symbol in gschem called small_amplifier.sym which has
>   the following properties:
>   source=small_amplifier.sch
>   device=MAGIC_PART
>   magic_cell_name=amp.mag
>   Now when I run gnetlist I want to do a few things.  When I am building
>   my output file and I come across this symbol, I want to grab a
>   reference to amp.mag and write it out into my ASIC file.
>   Unfortunately when I looks at what I get when I run
>       (display packages)
>   in my scheme file I don't see the symbol.  All I see is the components
>   inside the symbol. I don't actually see the symbol on the list.  Is
>   there a way to see that symbol?
>   The other thing I want to do is have the option of traversing through
>   the objects inside the symbol (which is what happens now) so I can
>   build a netlist for the entire design.  However for building my layout
>   file, I want to stop descending down the objects as I have already
>   built the ASIC meta object (amp.mag) that I want to use.
>   Do folks have any suggestions on how I can do this?

See http://archives.seul.org/geda/user/Nov-2008/msg00489.html

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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