Am 10.10.2010 02:55, schrieb Peter Clifton:
On Sat, 2010-10-09 at 23:29 +0200, Felix Ruoff wrote:

today I am trying to make patches from my recent days work. I am new to
git, so it takes much more time than I expected...
But, here are two more patches.

The first one (0002...) removes some unused functions from the gtk-gui-code.
How is removing APIs required by the HID interface and replacing them
with NULL pointers removing "unused" functions?
I am sure, you are right, but I found no situation in the code, where this functions are called. For this reason, I removed them and had no problems with compiling. I also discovered no problems with using pcb, but sure, I have not tested ALL functions.

Can you give me a hint, where my faults are?

Thank you,

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