On Mon, 1 Nov 2010 13:46:51 -0700
Steven Michalske <smichal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I code the latter way, writing a good low level API that has a simple
> command line UI, then I add the GUI on top of it when it is warranted.

Which is precisely what I was suggesting; since such tools obviously already 
exist, why not build a GUI (or adapt an existing one) some time in the future 
that makes use of them as a backend, for those whose needs can't be met using 
only CLI tools?

This whole discussion brings to mind another comparison:  Which is better, 
using K3B/Brasero/etc. to burn a CD or DVD, or going to the command line and 
directly using growisofs and/or cdrecord.  Answer:  whichever one works best 
for you - they're just two ways to use the same set of tools.

"There are some things in life worth obsessing over.  Most
things aren't, and when you learn that, life improves."
Vanessa Ezekowitz <vanessaezekow...@gmail.com>

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