On 11/24/2010 09:29 PM, Stephen Ecob wrote:
On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 2:59 AM, DJ Delorie<d...@delorie.com>  wrote:

The menus are defined by a resource file, you might have one in ~/.pcb
that overrides the freshly-installed version.

Oh, my mistake: I forgot to commit my changes to the resource file
I've now done a git push that adds this file. Jan - if you do a git
pull you'll get this file.  A recompile shouldn't be necessary, but as
DJ said do watch out if you have multiple copies of gpcb-menu.res on
your computer - PCB may end up looking at the wrong one.


Yes, now it works :-) I tried to run the autorouter, but it ate all my memory after several minutes. Moreover, it uses layers which are disabled. And one thing - even if I select thicker traces (for example Power), it still uses default thickness (Signal). But it looks very promising, though. For my circuit it found solutions I have never seen before.


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