Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
If the symbol for the subcircuit has refdes X15, and it contains a component with refdes C42, the refdes in the flattened netlist created
by gnetlist is X15/C42. Local nets within the subcircuits similarly get
pathnames for their netnames.

I don't like the slash, because it makes the component names extra long. So I put these lines in a local gnetlistrc:
 (hierarchy-uref-separator "")
 (hierarchy-netname-separator "")

In addition, I set the refdes of the subsheet symbol to a single digit. That way, the refdeses stand a chance to be readable in in silk with a three layered hierarchy.
How about emitting only the "basename" of a refdes on silk - if you got several instances of a circuit on a board, the component values should be identical anyway. With "sloting" of subcircuits this may be wrong, but then it would make sense to collaps the "pathname" of a subcircuit into one instance, that you can place to a group of components. In order to get this right, rat lines from the path to the base-refdeses could be used.

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