"Johnny Rosenberg" <gurus.knu...@gmail.com> writes:
> Sorry for my ignorance (English is not my main language), but what does  
> ”footprint” mean in this situation? I know the word, just not what it  
> means in this case…

"Getting Started with PCB" has a list of terms.  I have a copy online



    A footprint is the pattern on a circuit board to which your parts
    are attached. This includes all copper, silk, solder mask, and paste
    information. In other EDA programs, this may be referred to as a
    “land pattern”. “Footprint” sometimes is used to refer to a
    footprint file. “Footprint” refers to the pattern; “element” refers
    to the instance. For example, your layout might have four elements
    that use one footprint.

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