2010/12/29 Levente Kovacs <leventel...@gmail.com>:
> On Sat, 25 Dec 2010 22:01:43 +0100
> "Johnny Rosenberg" <gurus.knugum-re5jqeeqqe8avxtiumw...@public.gmane.org> 
> wrote:
>> Hm… I start to regret that I asked the question in the first place…
> We are very good at making wars. We make wars on "what kind of fileformat to
> use", "what kind of documentation tool to use", "what is gschem used for" etc.
> So don't regret it, it is getting common.
> Lets make a vi vs. emacs war!

Yes, that's do that! He he he… Or maybe not…

I used Emacs a lot in the early 1990's, especially for IRC and playing
MUD an things like that, but these days I don't use any of them. I
found that with a few plugins and some configuration, gedit does
everything I need a text editor for, so far at least.

Well, off topic in any case.

Johnny Rosenberg

> Levente
> --
> Levente Kovacs
> http://levente.logonex.eu
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