On Dec 30, 2010, at 2:13 PM, Oliver King-Smith wrote:

>   My spice output is looking a little iffy on the symbols I have created
>   which are slotted.  In particular I have a Power part and an op amp
>   part to one of my symbols.  The Op amp can occur in 1 of 2 slots.  Each
>   instance of the symbol appears to be creating a distinct line in the
>   spice output.
>   XU1 0 1 unknown
>   For example in the above line, I see two entries for the op amp XU1.
>   Neither entry is correct as the op amp subcircuit model expects 5
>   parameters.
>   Is there a way of getting gnetlist to interpret these symbols
>   correctly?

No. The slotting semantics are hard-wired into the gEDA core code. I doubt that 
most of the current core developers even realize that these semantics need to 
depend on the kind of netlist to be generated. One now inactive developer 
(Stuart Brorson) tried to create common semantics for printed circuits and 
simulation, but his attempt just broke slotting for all purposes.

For now, in most cases it is impractical in gEDA to try to directly simulate a 
schematic that's intended for printed circuit layout. This is not a unique 
problem to gEDA: I've had the same difficulty with a big $$ commercial EDA 
toolkit. I have some plans in this area, but don't hold your breath.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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