On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 23:10 +0000, Peter TB Brett wrote:
> On Tuesday 04 January 2011 22:55:39 Stefan Salewski wrote:
> > From time to time I have problems finding my own geda postings again.
> > 
> > Just tried a google search for
> > 
> > site:archives.seul.org Boettcher huge mess
> > 
> > Gives no results for me -- should give
> > 
> > http://archives.seul.org/geda/user/Dec-2010/msg00491.html
> > 
> > Is there a better way for searching?
> Have you tried GMANE?
>                            Peter

Seems to work better. I was not aware that GMANE works for gEDA lists.
Maybe we should place a note at gpleda.org about that. Some people may
use only google resticted to site archives.seul.org. (Without limiting
the search to lists or sites we do get too many results for terms like
"PCB", "footprint'... )

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