On 2/7/2011 11:21 AM, Peter C.J. Clifton wrote:
On Feb 7 2011, rickman wrote:

The real question is does the current method cause any problems? When this was discussed a few months ago the answer was "no". So why worry about 1 part in a million error? Engineering is all about tolerances.

We do have some problems with rounding and 45-degree lines, but I'm not convinced metric units internally is a magic bullet for that.

Display of accurate coordinate in metric IS a problem though.

How so? I thought the dimensions in these tools are done with 10 microinch resolution. Isn't that enough for anything on the visible horizon? Actually, I wouldn't think the display is the problem, but rather the problem would be generation of rounded data for output such as Gerber files. What are people using this software for that requires better than 10 millionths of an inch accuracy?


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