On 02/12/2011 06:00 PM, John Griessen wrote:
You know what a "low profile" spade connector would look like?
It would be a flat bar of copper, plated with tin,
and with a dogleg bend in it -- very machine placeable...at just the right spot
near the edge of a board.  You could also make a milled notch at the board edge 
it goes to make it even more "finger assembly friendly".

I just thought again, and why put a bend in it?  Just chop off pieces of flat 
wire like is used in track light channels and motor and transformer windings
and use mini spade terminals and very ordinary crimpers to put them on wire.
Most contract manufacturers would already have a wire end stripper and a wire 
crimper for such old fashioned parts.  The novel idea is to put the "spade",
(1.2 cm clipped from a roll of wire), at a notch in the edge of the board to
protect it from bending/shorting.  A rectangular hole milled in the board
away from the edge would work too.  If this happen to really be novel, I now
license it to all of you as TAPR.org lic. open hardware.

The mini spade wire terminal half is old old expired patent public domain now.

John Griessen
Ecosensory   Austin TX

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