2011/2/14 DJ Delorie <d...@delorie.com>:
> A separate git repo would make it harder for me to review patches.
> I'm much more interested in the history and discussion of the patch,
> than in the actual patch itself, and if there's anything wrong with
> the patch, LP/SF is a better way to manage those issues than git.

github's pull request/code review system works pretty well for
discussing a patch (https://github.com/features/projects/codereview).
I also like the way Google Project hosting does code reviews,
especially the voting system.  I'm not sure if github has something
similar. Thought I'd throw that out there, even though we should
probably just stick to LP for everything since we just moved over to
it.  (Although I'm still unclear how to differentiate bugs and patches
in the LP tracker)

I think maybe what Karl was getting at was a group of "Junior" devs
that commit to a repo to indicate they have looked at and agree with
the patch.  The senior dev, if he trusts the junior dev's judgement,
issues a few git commands and the patch is in.  Perhaps now that we
are on LP, the ideas in this thread are more realizable:


Maybe make an "official" LP tag of "vetted" or something that "junior"
developers can add to a patch, allowing a senior dev to concentrate on
those first, not spending on time on patches that need work.


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