On Mon, 2011-02-21 at 03:32 +0100, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> Ethan Swint wrote:
> > I was expecting just to get back "git 
> > clone -o pcjc2 git://repo.or.cz/geda-pcb/pcjc2.git" or some such, but in 
> > response Peter has posted what looks to be an excellent guide to his 
> > blog at
> > 
> > http://pcjc2.blogspot.com/2011/02/pcbgl-repository-instructions.html
> Is it just me, or is anyone else also having a speed issue with Peters
> blog? Scrolling takes about two seconds to jump by a screen...  
> (My browser is epiphany, the default with debian)

I can confirm with firefox(gecko) 3.6.12 and midori(webkit). I think
it's something related to the background. Full CPU usage for the wait

Best Regards, Felipe.

Felipe De la Puente Christen
MSN/GTalk       : fdelapue...@gmail.com

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