(having not seen this post) I created something similar yesterday in

   It only does SMD dual column footprints with an outline - and at the

   only takes mm.

   I'll push it to github or something like that if folks are interested.
   I assumed at

   the time that this sort of tool must get made all the time - but not
   having net

   access to search for one I thought I'd have a go at it too :P

   On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 9:22 PM, Stephan Boettcher
   <[1]boettc...@physik.uni-kiel.de> wrote:

   Richard Rasker <[2]ras...@linetec.nl> writes:
   > One last question: the project I'm working on has several schematic
   > pages, with several nets spanning multiple pages. For me, this is the
   > first project of this size, and I wondered about one thing: Are
   > special symbols to indicate nets connected to other schematic pages?
   > In the reference design on which this project is based (probably made
   > OrCAD), those nets have double arrows, but I can't find anything
   > in gschem. So now I have quite a few nets ending in little red
   > giving the impression that they're open-ended.
   > The actual connection is there, of course, so it's more of a cosmetic
   > issue, but I have the feeling that this is not how it's supposed to
   > look.

     You could draw a bus, and connect the nets to a bus.  The bus could
     labeled with the sheet the nets connect to.  All this is just

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