
   I am drawing some new symbols for my library. Currently I am doing GND
   and Power Symbols. There I have following question:

   I have drawn a power symbol for the 3V3 power supply. Therefore I used
   one pin with the pinnumber 1. In addition I attached the attribute
   net=3V3:1 to assign the 3V3 net to that pin.

   Additionally I attached the attribute value=3V3 (this is the only
   attribute which is visible).

   Actually I would like to use only the net attribute. There I could
   assign net=3V3 instead of net=3V3:1.

   I know that the ":1" is that the gnetlist tool knows that the 3V3 is
   connected to pin 1.

   But in case of a "One-Pin-Symbol" the gnetlist tool could assume that
   the only net should be assigned to the only pin.

   The reason for asking that is, that then I could make the attribute net
   visible and easily change the supply net (without adding the :1) in

   Is there some kind of option or maybe another attribute to make this

   In addition I would / could use the same type for input port symbols
   and output port symbols.

   Best regards,


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