On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 8:57 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak <k...@lilalaser.de> wrote:
> Mark Rages wrote:
>> I've often though it would be extremely handy to have spreadsheet-like
>> automatic calculations in gschem.
> You mean like specify the R1/R2 and R1 for the four resistors
> of a differential opamp circuit? That would be cool!

Yes, or the other way to keep notes up to date:  "level here is
-20dBm, level after pad is -28 dBm", where the dB values would be
calculated from the circuit values.  Don't Repeat Yourself.

Also, I've never been much into simulation, preferring to think a bit
and write down equations instead.  I feel kind of silly evaluating
results on my HP calculator and then typing in the resulting circuit
values.  Seems like another place to make a cut/paste error (I'm
really good at those).

Mark Rages, Engineer
Midwest Telecine LLC

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