Hi all,

First I'd like to say thanks to all the gEDA devs for creating such a
great EDA package. After the initial learning curve and time spent
learning all the little quirks and file formats, I much prefer gEDA
over the commercial packages I've had to use.

I've just started panelising some designs in PCB and while I've
managed to create panels for manufacture, my process seems like a bit
of a kludge.
My current  workflow goes like this:
-Create individual boards in PCB (say board1.pcb and board2.pcb)
-Run python script to generate the panel .pcb file (create pcb file of
proper size, v-cuts, internal routes for punchout, mouse-bites,
measurements, etc)
-Run python script to generate pcb action script (Commands load
board1/2.pcb into past buffer and paste in tiled pattern)
-Load panel .pcb file in PCB
-Execute command file in PCB
-Place fiducials, thieving patterns, text, whatever in panel .pcb file
-Export to Gerber

I'd be interested to know if there's a better way to do this.

I'm also a bit confused about how the panel outline and mechanical
layers should work in this situation:

I initially created the panel .pcb file with the exact dimensions of
the panel I wished to create. When I sent out the Gerbers for quotes I
had both fab houses come back to me saying they couldn't determine the
panel's dimensions, in the end I had to create the panel .pcb file
with arbitrarily larger dimensions and draw a panel sized rectangle so
that they could determine the panel's size. Is this how it's normally
done, it seems to defeat the whole purpose of specifying the
dimensions in the .pcb file? I've never run into this problem when
when manufacturing individual boards from PCB's gerber exports.
My current layer stack is :
Layer(1 "component")
Layer(2 "solder")
Layer(3 "GND")
Layer(4 "power")
Layer(5 "signal1")
Layer(6 "signal2")
Layer(7 "signal3")
Layer(8 "signal4")
Layer(9 "route") - internal routing so that boards can be punched out in strips
Layer(10 "vgroove")
Layer(11 "outline") - contains board outline and dimensions of all
panel sub-sets (individual board dimensions, route-line widths,
margins etc)
Layer(12 "silk")
Layer(13 "silk")
When I export to Gerber I end up with a .outline file containing just
the panel outline and no internal routing. I also get a .fab file in
which the vgroove lines don't appear, "route" layer lines are visible
but are not as thick as the lines that appear on the PCB "route" layer
(and have no associated drill-size). If I export all layer groups I
end up with the v-grooves and routing in separate Gerbers as they
should appear (along with every via/pin for some reason). What I'd
really like is to be able to export different combinations of these
mechanical layers (minus the drill holes) eg. one containing just the
panel outline, one containing only lines for routing(the panel outline
+ internal routes), one with just the v-grooves, one marking the
outline of the individual boards (ie the panel outline + v-grooves +
internal routes) or other combinations as needed. Is there any way to
generate these type of Gerbers from within PCB?

If what I want to do isn't possible, are the any suggestions as to the
best way to add this feature?

Tom Pope

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