On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 11:19 AM, Peter Clifton <[1]pc...@cam.ac.uk>

   On Wed, 2011-05-11 at 19:05 +0100, Thomas Oldbury wrote:
   > Sometimes, I want to add an inner polygon area to a plane in PCB. The
   > �  � area might be a power supply which only has to cover a small
   area; e.g.
   > �  � 1.8V in a predominantly 3.3V area. However, if I just draw a
   polygon on
   > �  � top of the plane, there is no cut-out formed and I get shorts.
   To do
   > �  � what I want, I must cut a hole in the main polygon plane, then
   add my
   > �  � smaller polygon into it. This is very time consuming and
   changing the
   > �  � plane once created is very difficult. Is there a way to get PCB
   > �  � support nested polygons?

     Not easily. For many power plane cases, these polygons won't
     actually be
     truly nested, so it is impossible to infer which polygon the user
     to clip the other.
     Perhaps it would be possible to support a flag on the "smaller",
     clippiING polygon which makes it "bully" other polygons away from
     but again - it is not clear what to do in the case where two
     with this flag touch each other. (Just short with each other I
     This class of object would not be so much a "pour", but behave more
     a line or arc segment. I'm guessing we would still need to retain
     support for clipping it against pins, pads, lines and arcs.
     Shouldn't take "that" much code to make it happen (I already
     a similar feature once before), I just need to hear that there is
     general consensus that it is a sensible thing to do.

   I'm more in favor of "anti-traces". They'd be equivalent to zero width
   traces, but still push polygon out of the way. Then you wouldn't need a
   nested polygon, just an anti-trace that goes around the border of the
   new region.


   1. mailto:pc...@cam.ac.uk

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