The diamond that is displayed to indicate the reference point of each
footprint is being drawn at the wrong size depending on the "copper
diameter" of a pin in my footprint.

Attached is a footprint that shows the problem.

When you are dragging the footprint, the wireframe shows the diamond at
a reasonable size.  However, when not dragging, the diamond is very
tiny and you have to zoom in a lot to see it at all.

The diamond varies in size as I change the "copper diameter" in the
footprint for the two pins (actually holes for plastic retention
pegs).  Set the copper diameter from 0.02mm to ~1.00mm and the diamond
looks more reasonable.

It occurs on PCB git HEAD and also on pcb+gl and pcb+gl_experimental.
It also occurs with ./configure --disable-gl.


Attachment: Tyco_1734035.fp
Description: application/pcb-footprint

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