On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 09:19:21AM -0400, Bob Paddock wrote:
> On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 9:09 AM, Kai-Martin Knaak <k...@lilalaser.de> wrote:
> > My proposal to tackle many of the library related issues is the notion
> > of packages. These would be data structures that can contain all information
> > relevant to an entity us humans like to build electronics from. 
> > Specifically,
> > they may contain
> >  * symbols
> >  * footprints
> >  * simulation models
> >  * data sheets
> Not clear to me if your proposal means the data sheets are included in
> the distributed package?
> If so, that most likely runs afoul of the company's copyrights and
> would require permission from said copyright owner, for *each* data
> sheet.

OK, URL(s) and SHA1 of the data sheet.

> I've had to contact legal departments to use information in data
> sheets in some of my work, and they've always been happy to grant such
> access,
>  but you still have to go through the time consuming steps.

I have done that, too, but only rarely.  It's a royal PITA.
Do those guys *cough*Marvell*cough* want us to use their parts,
or not?

  - Larry

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