> On Mon, 23 May 2011 17:13:01 +0200 (CEST)
> k...@aspodata.se (Karl Hammar) wrote:
> > The result is as seen in attachment (dump.jpg).
> Very nice!

Thank you.

> However, for this to be usable wouldn't it be important to have a good

I think it usable as is (though not finished).

> way to import the symbol into the project, either 
> (1) storing the symbol file in the same directory as the schematic
> (2) embedding the symbol in the schematic?

In the library browser you have the choise to embed the component
in the .sch file. I think that might be the solutions for your

> (Otherwise your schematic will be broken if you copy it to another
> machine, share it with others, restore it from a backup after hard
> drive crash, or maybe the user on gedasymbols deletes it and it no
> longer exists in your cvs checkout?  Or worse, maybe the owner of the
> symbol on gedasymbols makes an incompatible modification to the symbol
> and doesn't bump the symversion... you might have big problems that you
> don't catch until your board is assembled...)

Yes, there are a lot of things that can happen, you might even delete 
your own file by mistake. But I consider that to be another set of 
problem than I did intend to solve.

/Karl Hammar

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