On May 24, 2011, at 9:37 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

> I did think about where the *metadata* would come from, and some API
> to hide all that behind.  I'm waffling between something like HTTP/CGI
> (automatic integration with any web server) or SQL (powerful query
> language)

I think if we continue to worry about what the user or consumer might see 
without prototyping it, we'll just argue about it forever. But we seem to have 
reached the consensus that gnetlist is the place where everything should come 
together. That, I think, requires refactoring gnetlist. When the right factors 
are present, the gnetlist approach is very powerful, but we don't have all of 
them here. We can't really make a prototype that covers the ground.

I'm quite willing to help on the plug-in/back-end side, but working on a minor 
refactoring of gnetlist itself was a very negative experience. I have no desire 
to descend into the Mines of Moria again. Who is brave enough?

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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