Gus Fantanas wrote:

> Is it a bug or 
> did I do something wrong when I created the footprint? 

It is half a bug. Exactly square pads are defined by two points that 
coincide. There is no orientation attached to this. So PCB assumes the 
square shape should be aligened along the axis of the grid. After the 
rotation transform was applied to the two points, they still coincide. 
Consequently PCB insists to render them like before.

The work-around is to make the pads slightly non-square. Then 
There are rounding glitches, though. If the two points differ by too 
little distance, the resulting shape renders not quite in the expected 
angle. For the attached screenshot I have modified your footprint by 
1/100 th of a mil,  5/100th and 10/100th. The larger the difference, the
more the square shape rotates like it should. I guess, this issue will
be three orders of magnitude less severe, once coordinates are stored 
as nonometers. 

I attached the modified footprint, too.

Kai-Martin Knaak                                  tel: +49-511-762-2895
Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik      fax: +49-511-762-2211 
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover 
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Attachment: rottest.fp
Description: application/pcb-footprint

<<attachment: Screenshot-rottest.png>>

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