On Mon, 15 Aug 2011 14:23:15 -0400
John Hudak <jjhu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've created two directories in my home directory to store symbol
> files that I create, and another directory to store footprints I
> create: /home/jjh/project/component_symbols
> /home/jjh/project/component_footprints
> How do I modify gschem to look in my home directory for symbols AS
> WELL AS THE DEFAULT symbol directory? e.g I want my symbol directory
> in my user directory to appear in the Select Component component
> selection window.
> If you have a suggestion on how to organise this in a better way,
> please let me know, and also tell me how to implement it.
> gschem v

I can't tell you if it's a “better” way for you, but I will tell you
what I do, and why I do it:

I do not let gschem know about the location of my own symbol library.
Instead, I always store copies of the custom symbols I use in a
project (and that is virtually all symbols, now) in the project
itself.  This way, I can take any snapshot of that project, some time
in the future, and open it in gschem without any surprises such as
“major symbol changes detected!”.  Because gschem normally only stores
references to symbols in the schematic, your schematics are FRAGILE to
symbol file changes.

For instance, I recently wanted to shorten the pin on my “signal
ground” symbol in my personal library.  Instead of 200 units, I made
the pin 100 units in length. (Now it's consistent with the Vcc power
rail symbol I use, so it looks much better in common situations like
decoupling caps, etc.)

If I had schematics that included references to this Signal_ground.sym
file that I modified, those schematics would be BROKEN!  Because the
existing net lines would no longer terminate on the end of the
Signal_ground.sym pin.

When I do want to make use of new symbols in an existing project, it's
a simple matter of copying the new symbols from my symbol-library
project into the circuit design project's “Symbols” subdirectory.
(I maintain my symbol/footprint library independently from any specific
schematic design projects, and it is separately version-controlled).

Of course, the downside is that you don't immediately have a list of
all your symbols in gschem's component library window when you start a
new project.  No big deal, just copy the symbols from the component
library into your new design project's Symbols directory as you need
them.  This small effort is, for me, completely worth it for the
robustness provided by avoiding dependency on external symbol
libraries.  It allows me to feel bold about making improvements to my
symbol library without requiring extreme measures to ensure
compatibility with existing schematics.


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