On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 8:30 AM, Andy Fierman
   <[1]andyfier...@signality.co.uk> wrote:

     > What is mfgs?
     (Not sure why they'd be bothered to contribute symbols anyway. They
     very few for commercial packages.)

   mfgs = manufacturers
   For the same reason they produce app notes, development environments,
   large code snippets and in some cases, good size programs, give out
   engineering samples, etc.  So that people buy and use their products.
   Supporting a commercial EDA tool vendor with component files could be
   seen as a bias, and more importantly, has the perception of helping the
   commercial tool vendor more than itself.  They would be contributing
   resources to help someone elses economic gains.
   This model has been adopted by many PC board mfg, in that many of them
   provide Linux drivers.


   1. mailto:andyfier...@signality.co.uk
   2. http://signality.co.uk/

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