> you all never worried about cern before? why start now?

It's not CERN itself that's the issue, it's that a big organization
wanted to help a project, and it wasn't us.  The more developers Kicad
gets, the more users they'll get, which brings in more developers,
etc.  If we lose developers, we lose users, then lose more developers,
etc.  User base and developer base are tied together, and losing an
opportunity like CERN to Kicad is only going to hasten this process.

So, one of two things is going to happen:

1. Kicad gets all the attention and gEDA dies a slow and painful death.

2. gEDA gets it act together and starts attracting more users/developers.

While I'm not going to look at CERN itself as a specific problem, I do
see it as a wake-up call to the gEDA community.

> better to just keep focused on your current customers then unknown
> future additional users.

Any project which stops attracting new "customers" dies.

Note that "customers" is entirely the wrong term to use, unless the
"customers" start paying cold hard cash.  It sets entirely the wrong
expectations.  "Users" or even "partners" is a much better
relationship - we're all in this together!

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