Russell Dill wrote:

>> Is there any way in PCB to select all unconnected track segments in
>> a layout?
> I thought "select all visible objects" followed by "unselect all
> connected objects" might work. But then I realized that I don't
> really understand what "all connected objects" is supposed ot mean.
This means all objects, that fit both of these conditions:

1) They bear the found flag. This flag is typically set by the find 
action, accel key [f]. But there are also other ways to mark an object
as "found".

2) They are on visible layers. 

Similar conditions apply to "select-all". 
(The attached patch changes the menu to better reflects this meaning.)

Your hint shifts the problem to "How to find all objects that are 
connected to some net". I don't see a GUI way to achieve this. It 
might be doable with a plugin...

Kai-Martin Knaak, Email:
Still unhappy with moderation of geda-user. 
Why? Because it is completely intransparent.

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