
Look in the parts libraries and you will find symbols that are for various size pages that have outlines, and information blocks.

I often use title-bordered-A3.sym for a standard 8" x 11" sheet.

Use a net to connect two pins from two symbols. On the tool bar the net tool may be selected by left clicking on the button that has 3 blue lines with red dots on right side. Left Click on the red dot on a pin conecceted to one symbol then go horizontal or vertical and left click when you want to turn a corner. When you reach the red dot on the second pin left click again. Right clicking will end a net.

Steve Meier

R. Steven Rainwater wrote:

Yikes! Two more dumb questions:

1. When I look at the example schematics they have nice boxes around
them with the schematic name and author down in the lower right corner.
When I create my own schematic it doesn't have that. I can't find any
sort option on the save dialog to create it. Am I missing something?

2. This is the first schematic capture program I've used, so this may be
a really dumb question (I did read the manual but it seemed more like a
description of the menu items rather than a "how to use the program to
make a schematic" sort of thing). When I place two components on page,
say two capicitors, is it enough to place them so that the leads overlap
or do I need to do something special to tell the program that they are
connected to each other? Do I need to place them farther apart and
connect them with a "net" or "bus"?


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