On Sat, Feb 25, 2006 at 09:53:10PM +0100, kmk wrote:
> Karel Kulhavy wrote:
> > Reading the tutorial and documentations, FAQs and Wiki takes very long
> > time (Days? Weeks?).
> Thats why there is a tutorial and eve a pretutorial. Nobody requires you
> to read _all_ the docs.

But if I want to know thing X, how do I determine if I should read
tutorial or pre-tutorial? THere should be one well structured document
and not more badly structured ones.

> > For example I am unable to concentrate long enough
> > to be able to read all the doc. Tutorial is not enough because doesn't
> > cover such basic things as making your own symbols and footprint.
> Yes it does. Look about half the way downthe page. It even describes how
> to set up an m4 library ---> This should be removed as it clearly is
> osolete and every newbie is advised to choose the newlib.
> > This problem can be solved by having a single manual in a tree structure
> > optimized for access time (basically means ordinary properly done user
> > manual).
> Is this your application for the job as a geda manual author?

The newbies are doing the work bit by bit with their comments.

> > put the answer to the place the
> > question is born in user's mind. In this case put an URL to the gsch2pcb
> > error message.
> > "symbol xxx doesn't have footprint attribute" -> 
> > "You must supply footprint= attribute to symbol xxx. http://blah.blah.blah 
> > describes how."
> ack. This kind of "heavy" error messages would be helpfull.
> ---<(kaimartin)>---
> -- 
> Kai-Martin Knaak
> Blog: http://lilalaser.dyndns.org/blog

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