On Fri, 03 Mar 2006 22:16:49 +0100
Stefan Dröge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I worked me through the tutorial and wanted to make a file element in 
> PCB. Thereto I clicked on the "Route Style" button and wanted to change 
> the size of "Via hole" to "40". But I just can't make it bigger than "36".
> I tried a little around and found out that the maximum sizes depend on 
> which "Route style" (Signal, Power, Fat...) I choose before clicking 
> "Route style". Is this "normal", and if not, how can I change this?

There's a hardwired MIN_PINORVIACOPPER which is 4 mils, so you
can't make your hole bigger than the via diameter - 4 mils.  Maybe it should
be radius - 4 mils? and maybe it should be configurable, but anyway,
just increase the hole diameter, click OK, and bring up the route style
editing again and you should be able to increase the hole size.  It's
a bug that you can't increase both in tandem within the same edit.


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