>I think this is a bug. You *definitely* want gnetlist and gschem to use the


>I'm pretty certain that the current behaviour is the Wrong Thing. I propose
>that library definitions should be in system-gafrc, and that system-gschemrc
>should _never_ include library definitions.

        Agreed.  And the fix is in CVS now.  I removed the system-gafrc 
load rules from all system-*rc files.  And now putting reset-component-library
and reset-source-library work correctly when in a local gafrc file.
With this change, any libgeda program (which should be all the programs 
in gEDA/gaf) better be using the right rc parsing/loading functions,
otherwise they will fail quite spectacularly.

        Anybody: please report any side effects of this change.  Thanks.



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