On 3/24/06, Steve Meier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Has anyone got a list of "standard drill sizes"

I use the PCB Express finished hole sizes when creating footprints.
The sizes with a * should also match an APCircuits drill size.

hole size (inches)
.0135  filled via
.020*  filled via

(* jcl *)

> David Griffith wrote:
> >I just now made this footprint for an ALPS 6mm through-hole tactile switch
> >(Mouser #688-SKHHBV).  Would someone please take a look at it and
> >critique?
> >
> >Element["" "" "alps_6mm_tactile_th" "" 100000 90000 22500 10000 0 100 ""]
> >(
> >        Pin[0 0 8000 0 8600 5000 "1" "1" ""]
> >        Pin[20000 0 8000 0 8600 5000 "2" "2" ""]
> >        Pin[0 30000 8000 0 8600 5000 "3" "3" ""]
> >        Pin[20000 30000 8000 0 8600 5000 "4" "4" ""]
> >        ElementLine [5000 0 15000 0 1000]
> >        ElementLine [5000 30000 15000 30000 1000]
> >        ElementLine [0 25000 20000 25000 1000]
> >        ElementLine [20000 25000 20000 5000 1000]
> >        ElementLine [20000 5000 0 5000 1000]
> >        ElementLine [0 5000 0 25000 1000]
> >        ElementArc [10000 15000 5000 5000 270 90 2000]
> >        ElementArc [10000 15000 5000 5000 180 90 2000]
> >        ElementArc [10000 15000 5000 5000 0 90 2000]
> >        ElementArc [10000 15000 5000 5000 90 90 2000]
> >
> >        )
> >
> >
> >


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