On Mar 25, 2006, at 3:18 PM, Karel Kulhavy wrote:

What is attenuation in decibels of an infinite copper plane 0.2mm thick
@100MHz (driven by a plane space wave perpendicular to the plane)?

Well, the general way to do this involves wave optics with complex refractive indices, but here (normal incidence, thick medium relative to skin depth, extreme index mismatch) we can simplify.

Using handbook formulas, I get skin depth of 7 microns and sheet resistance of 3 milliohms. Empty space acts like it has a sheet resistance of 377 ohms, so you've got high Z driving low Z, loss roughly .003/377 or ~10^-5 in amplitude. 200 microns is ~30 skin depths, amplitude loss is ~exp(-30), or about 10^-12. On the far side of the sheet, low Z drives high Z so there's negligible amplitude loss. Overall we have an amplitude loss of ~10^-17 or 340 dB.

Even very thin metal foils are extremely good RF shields where contiguous. It's leakage though holes, joints, and especially wires going through that makes trouble.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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