
I just installed the rpm's for fc4 and they works ok; but for some
reason the mimetype for the file are set as

this causes firefox to open the ra-plugin instead of the package
installer. You have to use wget instead

           => `geda-examples-20060123-1.fc4.noarch.rpm'
Løser www.sp5pbe.waw.pl...
Connecting to www.sp5pbe.waw.pl||:80... forbundet.
HTTP forespørgsel sendt, afventer svar... 200 OK
Længde: 194.955 (190K) [audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin]

100%[====================================>] 194.955      202.95K/s

01:42:46 (202.29 KB/s) - `geda-examples-20060123-1.fc4.noarch.rpm' saved

Wget recognizes the file as realaudio as well.

It could be really nice if this issue could be fixed.

Best whishes
Vy 73 de OZ1GNN
Christian Treldal

"Remember Darwin; building a better mousetrap merely results in smarter mice."

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