On st 19. listopadu 2008, Frédéric wrote:
> We often discuss about the composition of our images, and a nice feature
> would be to have a tool to simulate a cropping. The idea is to be able to
> hide part of the images we don't want to see, without modifying it; just
> at display level.
> This could be done like a crop tool, by click'n'drag a rectangle, and then
> be able to move each edge of the rectangle, or the entire rectangle. The
> center part of the crop should remain at full luminosity, while the
> outside should be black or just darker (a user param for setting the
> transparency should be usefull).

Full implementation should include also rotation, see the Crop... properties 
here: http://www.exiv2.org/tags-xmp-crs.html

However it looks more like a feature for photo editing software, like UFRaw
or gimp. AFAIK the recent UFRaw already has it. I'd rather not duplicate it in 


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