On 05/05/2011 07:50 AM, Colin Clark wrote:
> Hi
> Perhaps I could make some comments here not as a developer, but as a user.
>> 1) It's probably a good idea for us to start documenting the functions
>> we write and the APIs we create.  For one, it's a reminder to think
>> about what specific problems the function/API is solving.  Beyond that,
>> it helps someone unfamiliar with the code figure out what's going on,
>> and it helps them avoid misusing a particular function.
> What I find missing is high-level documentation, not low-level. An
> overall description of the way the system is organised and how the main
> functions and structures should be used. But in my experience,
> programmers won't produce documentation even when they are being paid to
> do it, and no-one is being paid to work on Geeqie. Being realistic, I
> don't think it is reasonable to expect people to do this.
I agree that high-level documentation is missing; this is what Klaus 
also mentioned at the end of his email.  I specifically mentioned 
function-level documentation because the pieces are easy, and as we 
gradually get more coverage, writing a higher-level document becomes 
that much easier.

>> 2) We need to have a maximum line length.  It can be long, sure, but
>> it's pretty obscene when there are lines so long that they wrap on my
>> 26" widescreen monitor (layout_util.c is a pretty bad offender).  I'm
>> going to suggest 160 characters; see * below.
> Line length was important to me when I used 72-character terminals
> nearly half a century ago. Now I use a visual editor with line-wrap
> enabled. No matter what size window I use, the code is readable.
I find it visually disconcerting when text wraps automatically at what 
is typically some arbitrary point in the line.  I think it would be more 
readable if the breaks were made intentionally rather than incidentally.

> But I do find it very surprising that Geeqie has a non-standard coding
> format. Layout consistency could be achieved if the developers selected
> a standard format - maybe Allman or Whitesmith - and run all code
> through a code beautifier before putting it in the repository. Time
> spent on code formatting by hand is not a good use of time and will
> result in inconsistencies.
I'm not a fan of auto-formatters because they typically make it hard to 
deviate from the standard, _even in situations where the deviation would 
make code that is more readable_.

> May I also make a plea for the common user, people like me who can just
> about do a configure/make.
> Would it be possible for source tars (or even .deb files) of the latest
> files to be put on the Geeqie homepage on sourceforge? Is it possible
> for this do be done automatically whenever one of the git repositories
> is updated?
Not to dismiss your plea, but please remember that Geeqie is a project 
whose development was essentially stalled for a year and a half, and is 
only now just starting to get back up to speed.  Those things will 
undoubtedly come in time, but now is certainly not the time for people 
to overcommit again.  We can probably wait for any sort of automated 
stuff until we average more than one commit to master per month.

> I would also encourage the developers to try to make Geeqie at least as
> good as GQview. There are two problems where I find GQview is
> significantly better than Geeqie:
At this point, I think it's most important for devs to work on whatever 
the heck they want; something (anything) is better than nothing.  Later 
on down the line, we can probably start making a more concerted effort 
to fix the bugs that have been reported and add useful features, but at 
this point, I think the key first step is for people to get back in the 
habit of spending time working on geeqie, and coming up with changes 
that end up in master.


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