
I've been a long time fan of GQview and now geegie v1.0 on Debian
Squeeze (6.04), but I've run into one issue that's driving me crazy.
I dumped a bunch of my photos into a single directory and started
browsing them so I could delete those which were out of focus, poorly
composed, etc.  But with 3000+ photos, deletes take 3-5 seconds each.
With only 300-500 photos, it's much much quicker.

I've turned off safe delete to see if that was the problem, but I
don't think it is, since it's still slow to do deletes.  I assume it's
because you're updating the thumbnail view?  I can see some disk
lights going, but I haven't had the chance to investigate in detail.

I admit I'm also running it inside a VM with only 512mb of RAM setup,
but that's really the only thing I'm doing inside that VM is
manipulating my photos.  The VM is hosted on a Debian box with 8gb of
RAM and a Quad AMD Phenom II X4 945 processor.  

Is there any debug information I can provide?  I'm tempted to build a
copy with debugging info and try to profile to see where the slowdown
is.  Is this just a limitation of the gtk2 library?  


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