Michael Schwendt <mschwendt@...> writes:

Ian> I am in the Preferences/Files dialog tab and I cannot figure out
Ian> how to disable just one file type.  The dialog has a checkbox next
Ian> to each type and at the bottom "Add" and "Remove" buttons.  Does
Ian> the Remove button apply to all checked rows or to rows picked with
Ian> the normal selection mechanism?

Michael> The "Remove" button applies to the currently _highlighted_ row.
Michael> The "Add" button appends a new row at the bottom.

Michael> You can have multiple rows per file type, so the checkbox
Michael> enables/disables a line.

This is what I needed to know, thanks.  It is very confusing, though.
There simply is no way a newbie would know what the checkboxes are for.

Ian> If it is the checkboxes, do I really have to uncheck each one by
Ian> one before I can disable this one type?

Michael> I don't understand that question. If there's just "one type", I
Michael> fail to see why you would want to "uncheck each one by one"
Michael> because that would refer to multiple rows. If you want to
Michael> disable all filters, use the checkbox at the very top.

My situation was I had a directory with both tifs and jpgs, and I wanted
to see only the jpgs.  So I wanted to temporarily disable the tif entry.
I tried unchecking the checkbox by the tif line (without knowing what
you tell me above), but that didn't seem to do anything, even after
clicking Apply.

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