I used to use the libchamplain feature, but then found it didn't work
after some updates.  I'm trying again, and having some trouble.

To people with cameras that don't have GPS: you can also use a GPS
receiver and take a tracklog, and use exiftool or something to write
coordinates into the images.

I'm working with the latest release, via pkgsrc (where I maintain the
geeqie pkg and some other things).

pkgsrc has multiple versions of libchamplain.  The geeqie README does
not explain which versions are needed, and about clutter-gtk versions.
I suspect the reality is fairly simple -- you need libchamplain 0.12,
and it has to be built with fairly recent clutter-gtk and hence gtk3 --
but I am just guessing so far.

Then, trying to build with libchamplain 0.12, I get errors that seem
fixed in git (to adapt to newer cogl) but not in any release.

So, I would advise ironing out the rough edges, which I think you can
probably do pretty quickly, perhaps mostly documentation.  Then, when
it's really working for everyone, it makes sense to talk about the

I don't know if geeqie is willing to cross into bugfix releases in
branches, but if we are talking about 1.4, it would be nice to have a
1.2.4 with the cogl fix and any README updates.

In general, I prefer that dependencies being present not lead
automatically to optional features being enabled.  While that's useful
for many individuals, it makes life more difficult for those trying to
get reproducible builds and packaging systems.  The real question of it
being on by default will be answered by packagers.  (I used to have it
on in pkgsrc, but disabled it when it stopped working.)

So, this is a request to update the README to be clear about versions of
libchamplain, clutter, clutter-gtk, etc, and to specify which of those
are directly required.  Please talk about upstream packages, not Linux
package names, because geeqie is in theory (and mostly is) portable to
any reasonable POSIX-like system (I'm using it on NetBSD, and have been
using gqview/geeqie for probably 15 years).

And thanks for writing the map support - it's a great feature.

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