Ian Zimmerman wrote, on 29.12.2016 02:26:
> On this topic, would it be interesting to create pipelines for editors,
> rather than just invoking them 1 by 1?  For example, we could make it
> possible to create a pipeline where an intricate batch imagemagick
> command is called on the current image, the output is saved to a
> temporary file, and then gimp is immediately called on the temporary to
> allow for manual postprocessing.  Can we imagine a GUI for defining such
> pipelines?  

It would be very messy. Leave that to command line.

What can be done quite easily is to invoke a command on a selection of
images (something like xargs):

  1. Select images
  2. Hit "Batch processing" button
  3. Dialog window will appear. User selects the command and
     reviews list of images.
  4. Hit "Execute" button
  5. Progress is shown in the dialog.
  6. Go to 3.

Question is about the form of the command selection. Geeqie has list of
editor commands wich are available in the popup menu. These should be
available here too. Maybe we can do the same as e-mail clients do with
filters. It would look familiar, but also it would be limited just like
these filter GUI are. Basically a list of commands may be sufficient,
but it is hard to specify inputs and outputs.

I think there is a better way, but it would be a bit more  complicated
to implement. I wonder if it is a bit too complex for a simple
use-cases. It is called "block programming". It is quite an old idea:
Each block (a filter) has inputs and outputs. These I/O are connected
together and blocks form directed acyclic graph. User draws such graph
using palette of predefined blocks and then executes it. I wrote a paper
about modification of this approach for web applications, but it can be
easily adapted to any non-interactive use, just like this one. See the

Benefit over unix pipelines is in easy dealing with multiple inputs and
outputs. You can have a block to merge multiple images with aplha
channel, or to split color image into three by RGB channels and process
them separately.

If you want complex shell for batch processing, this is the way to go.
If you want something simple, just run one command on a set of images.

Have a nice day!
Josef Kufner

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