
Well, it sounds like negadoctor [1] and thus seems to belong to
GEGL/GIMP just fine :)

You can do a merge request for GEGL on GNOME's Gitlab instance:



On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 2:14 PM JonnyRobbie via gegl-developer-list
<gegl-developer-list@gnome.org> wrote:
> How open are you for new operation pull request? I'm asking because it's a 
> fairly complex operation for fairly niche user.
> This is a my repo currently hosting the op: 
> https://gitlab.com/JonnyRobbie/gimp-plugin-analog (It's named gimp plugin for 
> historical reasons, but it really is a gegl op nowdays).
> The operation is a helper for hybrid analog photography workflow. You shoot 
> an analog photo develop it, scan it, and this op helps you invert it by 
> simulating common darkroom photographic papers.
> Do you think it might belong to gegl upstream?
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