I'm a master's student in computer science at Strasbourg university (France).

I start working on a project related to GEGL library, my goal is to study how to
optimize "operators' graph" to reduce execution time.It would be nice if I could
 have some information about the optimizations which are already implemented in

I would be grateful if you can give me some informations about these questions:

1.   Is there any optimizations done on the graph in the last version of GEGL?

For instance, one could think of several optimizations:

·    Precomputation of node compositions: If you apply several nodes maybe the
composition of the nodes is computable and easier to compute.

Lets say that we have two nodes "increase lightness by 10" then "increase
lightness by -20", the graph could be automatically simplified to "increase
lightness by -10", is it already the case in GEGL ?

Of course one could assume that the application which is using GEGL should not
generate such graphs, but maybe for more complicated composition it would be
easier to do it in GEGL. For instance, is the composiion of two gaussian blur
another "blur" operation ? Another example could be to combine,  Lightness and 
Curves operations into a single Curves operation with different parameters.

·    Precomputation of operators' graphs for several pictures: If you want to
apply the same graphs to several pictures it could be nice if some
precomputation is done on the graph before it is evaluated on all the pictures.

For instance, given a point operators f which performs the same operation on the
different channels of the image (r,g,b) (lightness, contrast, ...), if one is
working with 8 bits pictures, one could precompute an array containing f(x) for
x in 0->255, and then using this same array for evaluating the graph on all the

Is it already the case in GEGL ?

·    Evaluation in parallel of several nodes of the graph using OpenMP

·    Evaluation of the nodes using GPU, I have read it was the subject of a
Google summer of code, what is the current status of this ?

2.   How the "operator's graph" is maintained and how the nodes are saved?

Can you also give me some references where I could find more related 

 Thank you for your attention.

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