
Öntanımlı masaüstü ortamımız KDE'ye bir kaç tıklama ile oy vererek
finansman desteği sağlayabileceğimiz bir etkinlik varmış. kde-devel
listesindeki özgün iletiyi yapıştırıyorum.

İyi çalışmalar.

Metin Akdere

-------- Özgün ileti --------
Konu: help KDE e.V. finance a sprint
Tarih: Mon, 10 Oct 2011 15:44:43 +0200
Kimden: Lydia Pintscher <>
Yanıt adresi:
Kime: List for Members of KDE e.V. <>,
kde-devel <>, KDE Promo <>

Heya folks :)

KDE e.V. needs your help to secure funding for one of our next
sprints. All you have to do is click a few buttons. A German bank is
giving away 1000 Euro each to the 1000 associations who can get the
most votes. Everyone has 3 votes. Please do vote with all 3 for KDE.

Here's what you have to do:
1) go to and click
"Stimme abgeben"
2) enter your email and the captcha it asks for and then click absenden
3) you'll get an email to confirm your vote - click the link in the email
4) you'll get to a website - click "Stimme abgeben"

You can do this 3 times in a row. If KDE is among the top 1000
associations we'll get 1000 Euro.

Cheers and thanks!

Lydia Pintscher
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member -

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