Jayapura bishop urged to reopen abandoned facilities 
Papua students claim closed dorms would benefit local poor, aid in formation of 
future leaders November 23, 2016  
Catholic students in Papua have appealed to Bishop Leo Laba Ladjar of Jayapura 
to reopen closed education facilities for local people.

The students met the bishop on Nov. 21, three days after Catholics celebrated 
the 50th anniversary of Jayapura Diocese.

During the meeting they urged the bishop to reopen four church-owned 
dormitories in Wamena that were closed in early 2000.

According to Paskalis Itlay, one of the students, Jayapura Diocese used to have 
four dormitories in Wamena — one was the St. Don Bosco dormitory for junior 
high students and three others for senior high school students.

The facilities housed many poor Catholics families from remote areas who could 
not afford to rent housing in Wamena city.

"Those facilities were also important as a training center for young Catholics 
who aspired to be leaders in the region," Itlay said.

The dorms were opened in the 1980s and are funded by Caritas Australia. The 
facilities were used to accommodate Catholic students and families from nine 
parishes in Jayapura Diocese, who studied in Wamena. At that time high schools 
existed only in cities.

They dorms closed when the foreign donations stopped.

The youths said the dormitories have forged the life of many lay Catholics, but 
since their closure there is concern about the formation of future lay leaders.

"Reopening those facilities is crucial to empower young Papuans," Itlay said, 
and they remain vacant.  

Bishop Ladjar agreed to discuss the matter with diocesan officials.

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