How the Australian SAS raised the ghosts of Indonesia’s brutal pastWhy 
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A row over ‘offensive’ training materials that led to Jakarta briefly breaking…


How the Australian SAS raised the ghosts of Indonesia’s brutal past
A row over ‘offensive’ training materials that led to Jakarta briefly breaking 
military ties with Canberra highlights sensitivities regarding Indonesia’s 
secular ideology

By John McBeth

Indonesian President Joko Widodo sits in the cockpit of a Sukhoi Su-30 aircraft 
next to his military chief Gatot Nurmantyo. Photo: AFP
It is turning out to be a storm in a smaller-than-usual teacup, but the latest 
spat between Jakarta and Canberra over what was perceived to be insulting 
content in military training materials underlines once again the sensitivities 
surrounding Indonesia’s often brutal past.

It also speaks to the current state of Jakarta’s domestic politics, with 
government sources revealing that President Joko Widodo didn’t know armed 
forces chief General Gatot Nurmantyo had suspended all military cooperation 
with Australia over the issue.

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Indeed, the sources say he only woke up to what was happening when his close 
adviser, chief maritime minister and retired special forces general Luhut 
Panjaitan, received a call last month from an Australian friend asking what 
more could be done beyond an apology and an investigation.

As the episode broke in the media this week, political coordinating minister 
Wiranto, a one-time military commander himself, issued a hasty statement saying 
only language classes had been suspended, not the entire military relationship.

Australia's Defence Minister Marise Payne has said the Australian military must 
ensure it produces “culturally appropriate” training material. Photo: AFP

Widodo also sought to play down the fallout, saying relations remained in good 
shape. So did normally hard-nosed Defence Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu in a 
January 5 phone conversation with his Australian counterpart, Marise Payne. 
Payne has said the Australian military must produce “culturally appropriate” 
training material, which apparently means avoiding any reference to East Timor 
and Papua where Indonesia has a checkered past.

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The original complaint came from a special forces (Kopassus) language 
instructor and went up the chain of command to Nurmantyo, an ultra-nationalist 
with ambitions to run in the 2019 presidential elections.

The armed forces chief is already in Widodo’s bad books for his alleged links 
with some of the Muslim groups that took part in the recent mass demonstrations 
against Jakarta Governor Basuki Purnama, who is currently on trial for 
blasphemy. The protests have rattled Widodo because at one point it appeared 
they were also directed at weakening him now Indonesia is only two years out 
from its next presidential election when he is expected to seek a second term.

Protesters surround the entrance to the North Jakarta Court as Governor Basuki 
Tjahaja Purnama – a Christian – attends his ongoing trial for blasphemy. Photo: 

Nurmantyo has often caused a stir with his wild conspiracy theories, expressed 
in public speeches and in social media, about how foreigners are engaged in a 
proxy war to undermine and take over Indonesia.

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Last November, he claimed in a filmed lecture that Australia was trying to 
recruit young Indonesian officers, undergoing advanced training at various 
bases across the country, to be either spies or agents of influence.

Conservative elements in the Indonesian Armed Forces have always been 
suspicious of foreign-trained officers, seeing them as being too favourably 
disposed towards Western views and attitudes.

Nurmantyo’s predecessor, General Moeldoko, had similar presidential ambitions, 
but he quickly disappeared after retiring in July 2015. Observers believe the 
same future awaits Nurmantyo, who is unlikely to find a political party to 
support him.

General Gatot Nurmantyo, left, with his predecessor General Moeldoko. Photo: AFP

What offended the complainant, a Kopassus lieutenant, was the use of what he 
considered to be a derogatory Wikipedia biography of the late Sarwo Edhie 
Wibowo, former president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s father-in-law.

The legendary special forces general, whose own son also later commanded the 
elite regiment, led the purge against the Communist Party of Indonesia in the 
mid-1960s which claimed the lives of an estimated 500,000 people. He also 
oversaw the so-called Act of Free Choice, a United Nations-sanctioned 
referendum – albeit involving only 1,025 Papuan leaders – under which the 
former Dutch-controlled territory reverted to Indonesian rule in 1969.

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Suspicious of the popular Wibowo as a potential rival for power, Suharto 
shuffled him off as ambassador to South Korea in 1973. He served there for five 
years, before returning to fill a variety of backwater posts until his death in 
1989 at the age of 64.

Indonesian Army special forces, or Kopassus, in Denpasar. Photo: AFP

The Wibowo biography was not the only source of the lieutenant’s wrath. He was 
also upset over a poster on a wall at the Australian Special Air Service’s 
Perth headquarters, which ridiculed Pancasila, the ideology that defines 
Indonesia as a secular state. The offending poster instead referred to it as 
Pancagila, the last five letters making the Indonesian word for ‘crazy’, and 
replaced the five principles of Pancasila with snide references to corruption.

Pancasila made up a big chunk of military instruction during the 32-year rule 
of President Suharto, something that always bemused foreign officers attending 
courses at Indonesia’s Army Command and Staff School. One of those officers has 
a much different view now. “What I saw only partially then, but understood 
later, was without Pancasila, Indonesia will revert to religion or ethnicity 
and that means a civil war worse than Aleppo [Syria],” he says.

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Pancasila is nowhere near as prominent in Indonesian education as it once was, 
but Widodo and other political and moderate religious leaders want to change 
that as they come under mounting pressure from hard-line Muslim groups seeking 
to turn the country into a Sharia state.

It is ironic then that Pancasila has more relevance in unifying today’s 
democratic Indonesia than it did under Suharto, the authoritarian who used it 
as an instrument of power to keep a firm lid on Islamic activism. In that, the 
Australians would have been well advised to remove the offensive poster – 
rather than have an overzealous lieutenant turn it into a diplomatic incident. ■

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John McBeth is the author of The Loner: President Yudhoyono’s Decade of Trial 
and Indecision

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