Mass Organizations in Bali Say No to FPIi

Denpasar. A number mass organizations in Bali gathered for the "Diversity of 
Republic of Indonesia" rally at the Niti Praja Lumintang square in Denpasar, 
Bali, on Sunday morning (22/01) to demand the disbandment of hardline Muslim 
group Islamic Defenders Front, or FPI.

Amron, the coordinator of the Bali Ansor Youth Movement — one of Indonesia's 
biggest Islamic organization Nahdlatul Ulama's youth groups — said the rally 
was held to promote harmony and tolerance between followers of different 
religious in Bali, known as the Island of the Gods.

The rally also called for the disbandment of the FPI, which Amron said had 
spread fake news about illegal raids allegedly conducted by Bali's traditional 
civic guard, known locally as pecalang.

FPI spokesman Munarman had claimed last year that pecalang had been used in 
Bali to attack the homes of Muslims and prevent them from conducting Friday 

Amron denied Munarman's accusation and said that on the contrary pecalang are 
always on hand to help out Muslims and Christians celebrate Idul Fitri and 

"We strongly reject FPI's baseless accusations. Please, don't use religion to 
divide our people. Let's unite for a peaceful Indonesia," another rally 
coordinator Komang Mertayasa said, as reported by state news agency Antara.

Komang said FPI is a serious threat to the country's spirit of unity in 
diversity, or Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

The Bali Police's cybercrime unit is currently handling a defamation charge 
filed by several mass organizations in Bali. Munarman's questioning is set to 
be completed by Jan. 25.

FPI has failed to gain a stronghold in Bali in over a decade, with residents in 
the Hindu-majority island often complaining about their disruptive activities.
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